Some question?

Installation & replacement of the boiler

Your Clim Var Froid expert installs and replaces your boiler in all safety

Do you want to keep an oil or gas installation?

Clim Var Froid offers modern and secure solutions

Replacement of obsolescent equipment of your gas or fuel boiler

The use of a gas or fuel boiler can be hazardous because of wear and tear so the material loses its reliability.

Clim Var Froid replaces your obsolescent installation by modern and reliable VIESSMANN boiler equipment.

As a certified gas professional, Clim Var Froid ensures a qualified and professional approach in all safety.

4 good reasons to change or replace your boiler

  • Gas and fuel prices are constantly rising
  • Renewal or maintenance of obsolescent equipment
  • Less work
  • A safer system

Contact us

Heating and cooling systems, our expertise

  • Free study
  • Material delivery
  • Professional installation
  • Maintenance and guarantee

Call on Clim Var Froid for the installation or replacement of your boiler

Clim Var froid offers you installation, replacement and maintenance of your boiler all around the Var.

La pompe à chaleur haute température

en remplacement ou relève de chaudière au fioul ou au gaz


Thanks to an advanced technique, new high-temperature heat pumps (50° up to 80°) ensure significant operating cost savings without modifying the existing installation.


They actively contribute to the protection of the environment by reducing CO2 emissions.

Custom built

We offer custom built systems to meet individual needs and adapted to other heating, hot water or cooling techniques.

Remplacement de chaudiere

Our customers witness

Nos clients dans le Var

Jean-Claude R.,

« Je confie l'entretien de mon appareil de chauffage à Clim Var Froid car leur intervention est à chaque fois rapide, efficace et propre ! »

Damien C.,

« Depuis que j'ai fait installer une climatisation réversible chez moi, la température est à chaque saison idéale tout en faisant diminuer ma consommation globale. »

Nathalie F.,

« Grâce à l'installation d'un chauffe-eau solaire l'an dernier, j'ai pu constater une baisse significative de ma facture d'électricité en 2013. »

Christine L.,

« Je songeais à faire installer un système de pompe à chaleur pour remplacer ma chaudière à gaz, les conseillers Clim Var Froid ont su m'orienter et me guider. »

See more testimonials


  • Comfort


    The latest and top safe heating equipment

  • Energy savings

    Energy savings

    You keep your existing installation with new, better performing equipment

  • Environment


    The heat pump uses renewable energy and new boiler systems are designed to be more environmentally friendly


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Quality Clim Var Froid