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Clim Var Froid News
30 sept

Finally more information on the tax credit !

A very interesting tax credit rate

From now on, the tax credit rate will be raised to 30% of the amount for work involving energy renovation, an evolution of the Sustainable Development Tax Credit (Crédit d’Impôt Développement Durable - CIDD) in the frame of the law on energy transition.

The tax credit is accessible for everyone, for home owners as well as tenants, limited to works of € 8 000 for a single person and € 16 000 for couples.

This new benefit is only valid when the work is carried out by RGE-qualified professionals (Recognized Guarantor of the Environment), like Clim Var Froid.

So do not hesitate and call Clim Var Froid to find out your conditions of eligibility and the installation solutions available for you.

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